Animal Behaviourist Mentorship and Coaching with Danielle Beck and Gemma Stephan
£89 / Month Payments taken automatically
Access to:
– Our resource filled community forums, filled with case studies, tips and tricks.
-Our foundation course (Dogtor Spock and the Meerkat) containing eighty minutes of video tutorials on canine neuroscience, behaviour and arousal.
-Free recordings of all live videos.
-A weekly Q&A with Danielle Beck Msc to answer any burning questions you have about your caseload.
-Entrance into our exclusive Facebook support group.
-Weekly live behaviour case discussions with Danielle Beck and Gemma Stephens, our expert animal behaviourists.
-Access to regular special guest lectures from renowned animal behaviourists and professionals.
-20% discount on individual mentoring sessions with Danielle Beck MSc.
Sign up to a Monthly Subscription below or if you prefer you can pay for a specific time frame.