Calm Meerkat

It Looks Like Your Dog Has A Calm Meerkat!

Congratulations, You Hit The Jackpot!

You got the jackpot! Dogs with a calm meerkat are generally happy go lucky dogs and love life in. Your dogs Meerkat is rarely alert, they’re happily chilling out on you dogs collar and only hijack your dog in rare specific circumstances. Your dog has great control of their emotions in general and can relax and respond to you in most situations. There are still some circumstances where they may need help, no ones perfect, and we’re happy to help you reach those final goals.

There are Five Main Types of Meerkat That Can Hijack Your Dog

They often over react to situations and make your dog difficult to control. For Calm Meerkats, it can take a lot to wake them up, but they’re not easy to manage once in control.

A group of calm otters in different costumes that fool and freeze.

Control The Meerkat Can Help!!

For Calm Meerkats we recommend starting with ‘Dr Spock & The Meerkat – How the brain affects behaviour’ especially If you want to understand whats happening inside your dogs brain and why they get hijacked by the Meerkat. ‘If in Doubt; Chill Out’ will help your dog to learn how to calm themselves down in different situations, or improve on this ability. You can try out our ‘Check In Challenge’ and our foundation games too. Can your dog take a deep breath on cue ? We can show you how!

We highly recommend our webinars if you really want to geek out on your dogs behaviour with us.

Our Community Is Open And Ready To Welcome You!

You can get these individually or gain access to all of them with membership to our community and learning empawrium.

Only £35 Month!

We have a supportive community, a bunch of self study courses so you can go at your own pace, and qualified professionals to support you, your dog, and their Meerkat.

You can even book a consultation with our team of Clinical Animal behaviourists from anywhere in the world! We can then create a plan just for you and your dog!

Come and join us today !

Disclaimer: All Content provided on or through the Site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional veterinary or behavioural advice, care, diagnosis or treatment; Unless you have had a consultation with us. The Site does not contain information about all canine behavioural problems, nor does this Site contain all information that may be relevant to a particular behavioural condition. If your dog has or you suspect that it has a behavioural problem, please contact us for further support. You agree that you will not under any circumstances disregard any veterinary or professional behavioural advice or delay in seeking such advice in reliance on any Content provided on or through the Site. Reliance on any such Content is solely at your own risk.

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