Chaotic to Calm – Pattern games Online 4 Week course


Join Danielle, live on zoom once a week for 4 weeks to learn how to teach and implement control unleashed pattern games to your dog to help them learn how calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.

10 in stock



Category: Availability:

10 in stock


Only 10 Spaces Available

Join Danielle Beck, Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Certified Control Unleashed Instructor live on zoom once a week for 4 weeks to learn how to teach and implement control unleashed pattern games to your dog to help them learn how calm down, take a deep breath, and relax. This course will highlight how to not only teach these but how to help your dog apply these principles to help them calm down after a stressful event or relax and switch off at home.

Chaotic to calm- ONLY 10 spaces at £65 each – people before or current members £55

Monday 18th November 7-8pm

Monday 25th November 7-8pm

Monday 2nd December 7-8pm

Monday 9th December 7-8pm

If you are a community member of Control the Meerkat or have attended a pattern games course before, Sign in to get an automatic discount of £10 off.

If you bundle this with Frantic to Focused you can get a further £10 off.