Getting Started

Getting to know our community and learning empawrium resources

Welcome to our community and thank you for choosing the Silver / Gold package to help you and your dog. Our site is packed with useful information and downloadable content to help you get the most out of our time together.

However, we understand it can be a bit overwhelming at first and it’s difficult to know where to start so this page helps you to know where everything is 🙂

A cartoon tiger in a graduation cap and gown.

What Do You Need ?

Firstly have a think about what the priority is for you, your dog, and your learning style. For many these will vary and will be different for everyone. Often you want to dive straight into the practical training, however, it’s often better for your dog if you slow down and focus on rest and relaxation for the first few weeks and build up your bond again.

I need to understand my dogs point of view

Try starting with reading through the understanding your dog sections of our Building your B.A.S.E. and foundations course and maybe watch the Dr Spock and the Meerkat course too. These will give you a really good understanding of why your dog is reacting the way are in different situations. You can then use the printable sheets to take notes now of what your struggling with and would like to achieve. This can help you build your plan and you can match it with the plan created with you by your CAB in your Rehabilitation Diary

Building your B.A.S.E. and foundations.
This course has a lot of information about managing the situation and some simple exercises to help get you started
Dog meets Dr Spock and the meerkat.
This course talks all about how the brain and how the 'Meerkat' affects your dogs behaviour. It explains why we need to Control The Meerkat, before we start training
A hand holding a tablet for learning purposes.
Tracking your progress can be really beneficial. Along with the checklist options in your rehab diary, we also have printable worksheets.
Learning empowerum logo with a paw print.
Here we have a loads of downloadable and viewable content available for free to you! We have courses, downloadable Ebooks for the training exercises and games we recommend the most and scientific webinars that have been presented by our team if you want to get really geeky.
A group of computers, tablets, and a laptop with the word chill i.
We have downloadable and printable EBooks explaining all about dog behaviour and how to support them, with step by step insturctions.

I need a place to talk openly about my dog and the struggles we're facing with those who understand

Living with these dogs is tough and few people understand what it’s like unless they have lived experience. We want to support you as much as your dog and have created groups where you can talk to others, share experience and tips and rant away to get it off your chest. We understand how hard it can be. Have a look at our social groups, we recommend the social community group for open chat with all members of our community and our team for general chat and advice. If you would like more privacy we have a consultation clients only group too. This is available only to our team and anyone who has had a consultation with us making it the most secure and private place to talk. We also have an active PUBLIC facebook group too, which is filled with information but all posts are visible to everyone so if you want to talk away from where family and friends may see, our onsite groups are for you., of which we have a few!

A diverse ensemble of cartoon characters donning various costumes.
Meerkat Social Community
Control the meekkat.
Consultation Clients Only
A blue square with the Facebook logo in the footer.
Public Facebook Group
A blue square with the Facebook logo in the footer.
Private Facebook Group

I need a step by step course to work through

We have a whole bunch of courses, that are always increasing. Our courses have instructional videos and often downloadable ebooks that you can print off for when you’re practicing off line. To start we recommend these three to get you started on the right track. You can view them all here. Many also have downloadable and printable Ebooks, which you can view in the learning empawrium

Building your B.A.S.E. and foundations.
Learn foundation exercises and games to help support your rehabilitation. It's packed with loads of behavioural first aid and advice
If in doubt, sign up now and let Dr Spock guide you to chill out like a Meerkat.
Teach your dog how to relax and switch off. This is essential learning for all dogs, especially the busy ones that just can't stop
Can your dog check? join the check in challenge.
Gaining and keeping your dogs attention, in all situations, is essential. This will help you build a great connection with your dog

I need a place to talk with my assigned CAB about my dog and our tasks and progress

Communication is the key to success and we are here to support you, it’s important that you let us know if your struggling as we will try to ensure everything is as accessible and achievable for you as possible. 

Session Notes

An open book icon in purple on a white background.
Your plan will be in your google folder

Private Messaging​

Hello how can we help text on a purple background.
The 'My Sessions' tab at the bottom right of this page allows you to start a private conversation with a member of the team. This is a one - one dialog and you can share videos and photos here too.

Private Client Group​

Control the meekkat.
You can reach out to the team and other clients here if you want to share your progress of ask questions about training exercises here too

If you would like to upload a video you can do this via the private messages, in the private groups or via our upload page here

I need to book a session with my CAB, Rehabilitation Trainer, or Rehab Group Session

If you need to speak to us and arrange a session you can do this direct by clicking the link below or through the contact us button below. We like to give people the space to work through the resources in their own time and our office will contact you regularly with our catch up forms that you can fill in. However, we do need you to let us know when you’re ready for more or if you need extra support. We’re here to help 🙂

Catch Up Sessions Silver/Gold

man, woman, question mark
Use these sessions to kepp us updated with your progress, share your wins or concerns, and ask us any questions.

Rehabilitation Session Silver/Gold

A cartoon of a person climbing a mountain.
Use these sessions to support your training, learn the exercises and practise with our direction and get advice on how to progress
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